
Project Number 1


Project Name

Remediation & Restoration of Negatively Impacted Shallow Lagoon Coral Reef Environments in Addu Atoll


Addu City

Addu City Reclamation Project

Remediation & Restoration of Negatively Impacted Shallow Lagoon Coral Reef Environments in Addu Atoll


ByPreston McMahon, Mohamed Aiz Abdulla


Coral Restoration as a Method to Remediate Reclamation Works & Climate Stressors in Addu Atoll

In 2023, Van Oord undertook the ambitious task of relocating coral colonies from reclamation sites in Addu Atoll, contracting several entities for this purpose. Despite extensive efforts, it became evident that these initiatives alone would not suffice to counterbalance the adverse impacts of larger reclamation works in the Atoll. Recognizing the need for comprehensive and sustained efforts, the Coral Gardens Initiative (CGI) has emerged with the goal of monitoring, maintaining, and expanding the ongoing coral relocation initiatives initiated by Van Oord and its subcontractors.

Outlined in this document are the foundational principles of the Coral Gardens Initiative:

Refurbish and Repurpose Failed Relocation Attempt:
  • Focus on the relocation of coral colonies and frames in the Meedhoo Tourism Zone (MTZ) restoration area, where a previous relocation attempt faced challenges.
  • Implement a plan to refurbish and recycle empty frames from the failed attempts.
  • Relocate these frames to assist in establishing a coral nursery within a proposed area, further detailed in this document.
  • Closely monitor the health of existing coral frames in the South Palm Resort, with the intent to move the frames towards deeper water for long term sustainability.

Click on the second document to read more.

Establish and Expand a Self-Sustaining Coral Nursery:

  • Develop a coral nursery for growing and propagating collected coral colonies/fragments to be fragmented and out-planted to restore damaged areas within the Atoll affected by reclamation activities and climate events.
  • Expand the nursery concept to transform it into a destination for eco-tourism, providing visitors with an opportunity to witness coral restoration efforts.
Promote Sustainable Practices:
  • Advocate for sustainable practices aimed at safeguarding, restoring, and enhancing the diverse ecosystem present in the Addu Atoll.
  • Collaborate with local governments, communities, businesses, and tourists to instill a sense of responsibility towards the conservation of the precious marine environment.
  • Implement educational programs to raise awareness about the importance of sustainable practices in protecting the delicate ecosystem of Addu Atoll.
  • Work closely with local fishermen to create a mutually beneficial partnership that supports the long-term health and resilience of the marine ecosystem in Addu Atoll.

  • The Coral Gardens Initiative adopts a multi-faceted approach that goes beyond addressing the challenges posed by Van Oord’s relocation and reclamation works. Instead, it seeks to establish a robust foundation for a sustainable and flourishing marine ecosystem within the Addu Atoll. By refurbishing failed relocation attempts, creating coral nurseries, and advocating for sustainable practices, CGI aspires to make substantial contributions to the long-term preservation and enhancement of the unique biodiversity present in the Atoll.

    Through these initiatives, CGI endeavors to harness the inherent beauty of this diverse ecosystem, not only for ecological restoration but also to catalyze a more sustainable approach to the rapidly expanding tourism industry in Addu. Rather than working against the environment and local communities, CGI aims to integrate with them, promoting tourism practices that respect and align with the delicate balance of the marine environment. By doing so, the initiative strives to create a harmonious relationship between tourism, the ecosystem, and the local population, fostering a model that is both environmentally conscious and economically beneficial. This vision encapsulates CGI’s commitment to a holistic and sustainable approach that ensures the long-term health and resilience of the Addu Atoll.

    Click on the second document to read more.

Refurbish and Repurpose Failed Relocation Attempts


Smiley faceThe Coral Gardens Initiative (CGI) is actively monitoring coral colony relocation sites, with a specific focus on the Meedhoo Tourism Zone (MTZ) due to its proximity and accessibility. The initial site selection methods of the Van Oord coral relocation project overlooked critical factors such as temperature fluctuations and sand deposition rates, resulting in the MTZ site experiencing a decline in water quality, leading to the loss of over 70% of fragile coral fragments and 53% of fragile coral colonies on frames as of August 2023. Survival rates for massive colonies placed in the sand bed appear similar to those on frames, given the negative influence of sand deposition and bleaching. Overall, the survival rate for the corals relocated to MTZ is expected to reach near zero within 1.5 years.

In response to these challenges, CGI has formulated a strategic plan to refurbish the 62 dead frames from MTZ. This initiative involves constructing larger pyramid structures in deeper, more stable waters, thereby enhancing the conditions for optimal coral growth.The relocation process encompasses a meticulous procedure, including the careful removal, cleaning, and transportation of frames to a new site. At this new location, empty frames will be methodically stacked into pyramid structures, and newly collected fragments will be attached using proven and successful methods such as plastic cable ties for effective coral propagation.Fragments will be sourced from healthy frame colonies at other relocation sites and from a detailed selection of naturally established colonies in the surrounding lagoon reef. Additionally, any surviving massive colonies in MTZ will be collected using a “donkey” or floating cage and thoughtfully placed among natural colonies at the new site.

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Charming Lodge Meedhoo Addu city Republic of Maldives

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